Monday, August 31, 2009

Kitchen Trend: Everyday Getaways

With Summer coming to an end and a crisp chill coming to the air, people are starting to look inside the home again. Getting away to a luxurious yet comfortable space is more appealing than ever, and it is made even more enjoyable when the trip only requires a few quick steps. Take a look at these kitchen retreats from Better Homes and Gardens. They make you think that staying inside is as much fun as hanging out by the pool!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Madrid Blend - Glass & Stone Mosaic Tiles

The Terra 5/8 x 5/8 inch glass & stone tile series is one of our newest designer tile lines. These gorgeous glass & stone combinations offer the best of both modern and traditional looks for any room in your home.

Sheet Size: .94 s.f.
Tile Size: 15mm x 15mm (5/8" x 5/8")
Tiles per sheet: 324
Tile Thickness: 8mm
Joint Size: 1.5mm

Type of Mounting: Back-mounted on mesh

Terra Glass & Stone Mosaic Tiles are suitable for: Wall surfaces.


From September 14-November 8, 2009 HomeCrest Cabinetry will be running a 2009 Fall Promotion.

Receive the sofTouch Door & Drawer Closures Factory Installed for Free with a paid upgrade to Deluxe Drawer.

Reasons to go to soft touch:

With SofTouch™ technology, drawers close effortlessly at the touch of a fingertip. No bangs, no slams - just a gentle whisper as drawers glide firmly and securely into place. Yet, they slide open as easily as conventional drawers do.

Features of the SofTouch™ system:
Convenient. Spring-loaded, self-closing action ensures drawers close securely every time, a welcome peace of mind.

Premium Appeal. Available with 3/4" Deluxe HomeCrest wood drawers, SofTouch™ is sure to draw "oohs and ahhs" from family and friends. What's more, fully-extendable guides provide access to 100% of the drawer's interior.

Durable. Concealed mechanism with permanently lubricated synthetic rollers means there's nothing to maintain.

Noise Free. SofTouch™ means the end of rattling silverware and jarring drawer slams, even with fully loaded drawers. Peace and quiet has never been this simple or elegant.
Easy Cleaning. Drawers are easily removable for cleaning and slide gently back into place with just a touch.

Enhanced Value. The SofTouch™ adds that special quality to our cabinetry. Enhancing the experience for a customer who expects the very best.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Early Morning Insperation...

Inspiration mixed with a question?

Just looking at some of the newest pieces from Restoration Hardware, which are undeniably beautiful, but they raise a question??
Does the mass production of such an item reduce it's intrinsic beauty? i.e. the beauty in the story one could have told when owning such a piece?
Somehow "I ran down to the local shopping mall" just does not cut it for me.

A New Olympic Event? Close – It’s the Solar Decathlon!

While most of the teams who will be judged probably feel as though they’ve been through the same training rigours as an Olympic athlete, these competitors are gearing up for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-sponsored Solar Decathlon. Twenty teams from colleges and universities have been selected from across the United States, Canada and Europe to compete in a “design, build and operate” competition for the most attractive and energy-efficient completely solar powered house, incorporating building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV). In addition to bragging rights of having been chosen for this 2009 event, teams will be awarded $100,000 over two years to support the Solar Decathlon’s research goal of reducing the cost of solar-powered homes and advancing solar technology.

This international collegiate competition is an educational program of the United States’ DOE. Last time the event was held, in 2007, the winning team was from Germany (Technische Universität Darmstadt) while the second and third places went to US based University of Maryland and Santa Clara University. This year’s event sees competitors from across the US including Puerto Rico, Canada (1 team from Alberta and 1 from Ontario), Spain, and the previous winning institution, Germany’s Technische Universität Darmstadt.

Competitors will convene at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., from October 9th to the 18th, with the event broken down as follows:

Oct. 8th -16th: Teams compete in 10 contests

Oct. 9th -13th: Houses are open to the public

Oct. 15th -18th:Houses are open to the public

Oct. 19th -21st: Teams disassemble their houses

While the winner has yet to be declared for 2009, the organization is already accepting proposals from teams wishing to enter the 2011 competition. For more information on the Solar Decathlon, please visit

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It has come to my attention over the past couple of years, that many customers are unaware that there are different types of cabinet doors. I guess it also came to the attention of the folks at, because they put this educational article together, so I figured I would share it.

How the cabinet door fits over the cabinet box determines its basic

Full overlay doors have less than 1/8" between them—in effect, they fully
lay over the cabinet. By definition, all frameless cabinets have full overlay
doors. Manufacturers can attach full overlay doors to framed cabinets as well,
however, creating a similar look. You can tell for sure whether a cabinet is framed
or frameless
by opening a door and checking for rails and stiles.

overlay doors conceal just some of the face frame—there is usually a ½" to 1"
space between closed doors, allowing you to see much of the face frame. Because
partial overlay doors are smaller than full overlay doors, they require less
material, so this choice could slightly reduce your cabinetry’s total

Inset doors sit within the rails and stiles and lay flush
with the front edges of the cabinet box. Truly inset doors are only available
with framed construction, but designers can achieve the same look using vertical
pilasters on frameless cabinets. Note: wood may expand and contract because of
humidity, causing rubbing between the door and stiles.Lipped doors are routed
with a slight wooden groove to fit over the face frame.

Hopefully this helps explain some difference, as I have also found out over the years that this is one area I really have a hard time explaining!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Maximize kitchen space

Interior Fittings, Storage Aids & Accessories Maximize Kitchen Space

With more and more consumers looking to beautify their kitchens without expanding the square footage, space saving accessories and luxury amenities become more important than ever. Whether it's interior fittings that maximize every last corner of the cabinetry, custom drawer inserts that better organize dishes, pots and pans or built-in cutting boards, knife blocks and spice trays that retract out of sight when not in use, clean, simple and organized are the watchwords of the day.

Quiet-close features and touch controls continue to be hot technology, while customizable interiors continue to appeal to today's consumers.

Below are some of the hottest trends in kitchen accessories and interior fittings and storage aids:
  • With so many homeowners deciding to maintain their kitchen's footprint rather than expand the space in order to limit expenditures, space-saving storage accessories and luxury amenities become more important than ever.
  • Aging Baby Boomers are driving the trend toward more accessible storage, including top opening cabinets, shelves that come to the user with the push of a button, one-touch open and close features and the ever-popular pull-outs and roll-outs.
  • Creating a clean, uncluttered look is more important than ever in smaller spaces, and as such, demand is growing for products that conceal small appliances, outlets and any kind of visual clutter.
  • Products with dual benefits are hot right now, such as touch-free technology that not only makes opening a cabinet or drawer quiet and easy and facilitates use by aging Baby Boomers, but also helps avoid contamination throughout the home.
  • Drawers continue to be a hot trend, with drawer organizers, custom inserts, cutlery trays, dividers and peg boards good choices for personalizing drawer space to maximize efficiency. In cabinetry, pull-outs and roll-outs continue to be hot, while soft-close features remain in high demand.
  • While consumers may be cutting back on space, there continues to be high demand for luxury amenities that help to personalize the kitchen, including floor warming systems, built-in cutting boards and knife blocks, spice bottle trays, pull-out recycling stations, hanging pot racks to maximize space over an island and more.
Article courtesy of KB&B

Friday, August 21, 2009

Granites that add Beauty

21.08.2009 Author: J. D Theis Posted in Home & Family
write by J. D Theis

Are you planning to give your home a whole new look? But are confused what to do? Get some natural stone structure. How is the idea? Add a countertop to your kitchen, remodel your bathroom and lots more.

Natural stones like limestone, marble, granite, etc are in great demand in the recent times. Granitetopia is one such company which makes these natural stone available in the finished product form. The natural stones are tough stones which are formed under the earths crust due to the chemical reaction that take place; they are then extracted in their raw form. These raw stones are quarried with the help of natural stone channelling machines which gives use the final product, which is used in the home dcor. There are natural stones available in different colours which is due to various chemical content which is done under the earths crust itself.

The natural stone which is in great demand in the recent times is granite. It is vastly used to make kitchen countertops, bathroom vanity tops, bar galleries top, etc. Every granite portrays its natural beauty in a different way and is unique in itself. Granites are available in shades like blue pearl, Kashmir brown, absolute black, sapphire blue, etc.

Granites are in great demand due to their strong nature. They are heat resistant and can handle high temperatures. So, items like ovens, microwave, etc can be easily installed on them. It is considered to be a harder stone than diamond, as diamond is used to polish granite. Granites are best suited for countertops, bathroom vanity tops, etc due to their scratch proof nature and strain resistance.

Moreover, granite has a cooled polished surface that makes an excellent surface for rolling dough and making chapattis. The lustre of granite surface is never lost, it always remains intact. Whenever, in your life to think of selling your house, granite kitchen counter top will add to its total value. The price paid for your house will also increase, thus helping you earn profits.Thus, Mother Nature’s mineral and Mankind’s finest technological know how has fused together to create an engineered stone for the new millennium.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Black Chandelier

I know that many of our interior decorators/designers are always looking for something different for their clients, and I think this black crystal chandelier qualifies. Talk about stunning.

You can check out their website at or click on the picture above to see some of the sales they are running!

Free Wi-Fi!!!

Need a Free Wi-Fi (wireless) connection to the Internet? Check out... 'The Definitive Guide to Finding Free Wi-Fi'

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fieldstone's Glaze SALE is back

Glaze on stains:
5% was 16% on Fieldstone
5% was 13% on Fieldstone Custom
5% was 13% on Fieldstone Inset

Glaze on Tinted Varnish:
21% was 32% on Fieldstone
18% was 26% on Fieldstone Custom
18% was 26% on Fieldstone inset

Effective with orders recieved 8/15/2009-10/31/2009

6 mistaken assumptions a business can make!

August 17, 7:13 AM Richmond Small Business Examiner Chris LaPara

Although you’ll find a lot of junk on the social media websites, you can also mine some gems if you’re following the more substantive discussions. I came across one of these in one of the groups I participate in on LinkedIn.

The posted discussion question was, “What are the worst assumptions any leader can make about his/her business (in light of the current economy)?” Following is a sampling of responses Examiner readers of this column should find useful.

1. There’s no need to change. They can just wait until the economy “gets better." Shaky economy or not, business owners who resist making adjustments to their operation when conditions warrant will be overtaken by the competitors who do. But waiting for external conditions to get better before you take steps to improve your bottom line is letting everyone else run your business.

2. What worked today (or yesterday) will work tomorrow. Also, doing things the same old way you've always done them will create different results.This assumption is a variation of number 1 above. Let’s put a professional development spin on this one. Small business owners are typically so involved with “running their business” they often neglect their personal development. The knowledge and skills that supported them to this point may no longer be effectual for the next 3 to 5 years. Younger business owners more comfortable with the newer technologies, just for one illustration, can take market share from those relying on “how I’ve always done things.” Do you expect your doctor and accountant to stay current in their fields? Well . . . .

3. This, too, shall pass.... so I can stick my head in the sand, do nothing different, and try to shrink my business to success.OK, try applying that strategy to the nutritional needs of your children or pets. Enough said.

4. [They think] that they know everything already.I’ve met many very knowledgeable business people over the years. The really smart ones are always—ALWAYS—looking for more and better information, whether it’s market data, process improvement, communication skills, selling skills, management styles, you name it. When I’m training a group of very experienced professionals, I always offer this disclaimer, “There’s a lot of knowledge and experience in this room. Take advantage of it. Learn from each other. I promise you that you will come away with at least two good new ideas.” No one has ever asked for a refund.
5. Although it's not really an assumption but more of a business mindset, if you were to ask 100 business managers or owners what the purpose of any business is, probably 99 would say "to make money". While that's a worthwhile and, usually, necessary goal, the purpose of any business is to "get and keep customers". The most successful businesses and entrepreneurs are those who find ways to get new customers, thru innovative products or services. You cannot make money without a customer. The mistake is focusing altogether on the bottom line and not on the customer.This statement doesn’t require much amplification. I have opened many training programs with a question aimed at getting to this precise point: “What is the purpose of your business?” Eventually, we reach the conclusion above. Your purpose is to create satisfied customers—an ongoing stream of them. Do that, and the money will follow.

6. . . . what drives the leader drives the people!!This mistaken assumption needs to be avoided by corporate managers as well as business owners. People are motivated to do things for their own reasons, not yours. So it is imperative for anyone with employees or direct reports to discover what motivates them. Then connect those individual motivations to your business goals. If people can see that they can achieve their goals by helping you achieve yours, they take ownership of their jobs and worker harder and smarter.

Clearly, this is not an exhaustive list. Let’s hear from Examiner readers on this question: What are the worst assumptions a business owner or corporate manager can make?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tech it out!!!

Poggenpohl Drawers with + Motion Technology

These new Poggenpohl drawers ditch the hardware for a motor as they use +Motion technology. They can be opened and shut by touching the center of the drawer, which triggers an electronic opening and closing mechanism. These handleless drawers are well suited for any kitchen with a strong, contemporary design.

Siemens avantGarde multiMedia Hood

Siemens’ latest range hood, the avantGarde multiMedia Hood, incorporates a 17-inch, LCD-screen into the hood’s chimney. The avantGarde features a CD and DVD player, is cable ready, and has an extraction capacity of 600 CFM on its highest setting.

Miele Island Range Hood

Experience the highs and lows of Miele’s new island range hood, the DA 424 V. With a simple push of a button, this motorized and adjustable range hood can extend 40-inches down or retract to a depth of 28-inches. The DA 424 V has a ventilation output of 625 CFM.

Marvel SafeServe Sanitizer

Food sanitizing goes high tech with Marvel’s SafeServe, a fruit and vegetable sanitizer that uses ultrasonic and nano silver technologies to reduce microbial contaminants and chemical residue. These technologies produce microscopic bubbles that clean fruits and vegetables without the use of detergents.

Friday, August 14, 2009

This tile is beautiful!

Check out these amazing tiles I found while tweeting with some friends...

The Tapestries ™ Collection by MTS

Beautiful etched patterns on glass & glazed tiles - handmade by MTS.

These beautiful repeating patterns can be produced on glass tiles for interior and exterior installation, including wet areas, and on glazed porcelain and ceramic tiles for interior wall use.

For luxurious patterns and textures in any room, the Tapestry Collection is unsurpassed!

These would look amazing as a kitchen backsplash or in any bathroom. Check out the website by clicking on the tile.

A common kitchen trend question...


"I am noticing a combination of painted and stained cabinets in the same kitchen. Is that the trend?"


Yes, combining painted and stained cabinets in the kitchen continues to be a strong trend. Using a different color for the island makes it look more like a peice of furniture.
compliments of

Happy Anniversary!

Happy 10th Anniversary John and Stacy!
Have a great day!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Intelligent Cabinets

Forget about the search for intelligent life in the universe. How about intelligent cabinets for your kitchen? Click on the link below...

Executive Kitchen and Biltmore Estates

Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC is recognized as the largest private residence in the United States. Executive Kitchens is the Exclusive Designer & Manufacturer of kitchen and bath cabinetry for the Biltmore For Your Home Collection.
Biltmore Estate was built by George Vanderbilt in 1895. The 250 room main house boasts priceless works of art, exquisite carvings and millwork, and perfectly appointed colors and furnishings.

Executive Kitchens brings a taste of this same style and design to your home with our officially licensed Biltmore For Your Home collection of kitchen and bath cabinetry.

If you are going to be in the North Carolina area, contact us about getting discount tickets to tour the Biltmore.

We love our fans!!!

We are so excited to be adding fans and followers everyday! Join in on the fun...

Berenson Hardware

New hardware looks are available!

4 new collections designed aound todays busy lifestyles.

Collections appeal from traditional to contemporary and everything in between.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Go green & lower your electric bill

One easy way to lower your electric bill and be environmentally conscience is to convert your light bulbs over to the energy saving florescent bulbs now available in nearly every store you go to. They use much less electricity than the regular old light bulbs and last longer.

Another way to help cut costs is to turn off all lights and electronics’s when not in room.

Close off heating and air conditioner vents in unused rooms.

Also try running a/c at a few degree’s higher and use fans to circulate the air in the room. Once you leave the room turn off the fan.

Just a few ideas to help us save some money and care for the earth!

What will they think of next!

Some of you may not remember when we carried flooring materials here, but we used to have tile, hardwood and carpet samples in the showroom. For this reason, I am still updated about new products coming out in these categories. I don't know why I find these carpets so fun (probably because I have kids now, and I know if I showed these to them, they would HAVE to have them) but, Shaw has come out with Disney carpets...Winnie the Pooh, Fairies, Princess', Cars, Toy Story and Hannah Montana. Even though I think that the life of the carpet would far outlast the time that any kid would want to have this in their room, I have to admit the carpets are pretty cool.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Today marks 2 months since we launched our blog!

Thanks for all the comments and feedback!!!

I am working hard to make the next 2 months even more informational and productive than the last!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

August 2009 Kitchen & Bath design news

You can read this online...just click the picture above.

What to think about before, during and after your kitchen remodel

Be sure to consider the way your kitchen's look will gel with the rest of your home. If you like the look of a Manhattan loft, but live in split level colonial, you may want to re-think the modern kitchen look. Try something transitional to bridge the gap.

Make sure you have enough storage for all those plates and pots— accessories like tray dividers and pull-out shelves will make them a snap to find. It's not only about the new look of your kitchen, it is about it's function as well. Make sure the space works as good as it looks.

Cabinets aren't the best place to go wild. Select a cabinet that you can live with for the next 15 years. As for resale, be sure to favor the sound choice. You can always spice things up with cabinet handles and knobs, paint and decor.

Get assistance from kitchen designers, contractors and architects. Be sure to partner with licensed and insured professionals you get along well with. You want to have a friendly and professional relationship with your contractors. They are going to be with you through all steps of this process. They also have knowledge about all aspects of a remodel, so be sure to ask for advice and guidance when you need it. This is what you are contracting them for!!!

Design with the future in mind. Ergonomic choices like raised dishwashers will keep you kitchen functional as you grow older. One of the biggest "if I had it to do over again" complaints I hear is about designing spaces for children. Kids are an amazing part of any family, but they are always growing and getting bigger. Designing a space that 3 children can sit at is great, but remember that the same space may not fit 3 larger kids making an island overhang only 2/3's as effective!

Invest some time and money in coming up with a solid lighting plan (earmark about 10% of your budget for it). It'll keep your kitchen safe, set the appropriate mood and keep creepy shadows from turning your honey-colored cabinets a stale shade of brown.

You can change your mind in the middle of the process—just be ready to handle the additional charges and delays that will be accrued.

Change the layout now if you would like to. If you are tired of walking across the room to get to the fridge...move it now.

Figure out what your are going to keep before the remodel starts. Keeping fairly new appliances can be cost effective in the long run.

Be realistic about your needs - if you are not a professional chef, or you don't know the first thing about baking a pie, you probably don't need expensive, professional appliances.

Viking Gravity Feed Charcoal Smoker

If you’re serious about barbecue, consider this gravity-feed charcoal smoker with heavy-duty stainless steel construction and generous interior space. Fueled entirely by charcoal, the smoker uses gravity to feed unlit coals into the firebox. The gravity feed system and insulated interior allow the smoker to retain heat and maintain accurate temperature control for smoking, grilling and baking. Available in 30- and 36-inch sizes, the smoker is sold as a freestanding or portable unit.

Outdoor Artisan Pizza Oven

This stainless steel countertop oven from Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet is powered by a 15,000 Btu gas burner that helps the oven get as hot as 800 degrees Farenheit. A professional baking stone helps transfer heat from the burner to the pizza crust while the wide range of temperatures allow for both thin and thick crust styles. To achieve that wood-fired flavor, an integrated smoking drawer infuses the pizza with authentic appeal.
This unit retails for $3,990.00.

90° Kitchen Faucet by Moen

It’s hip to be square with the 90° kitchen faucet from Moen. The faucet’s unique geometric design defines its minimalist profile. Available in both standard and pull-out models, the single-handle, single-hole faucet features Moen’s new 1255 Duralast cartridge. The ceramic-disc cartridge smooths the faucet’s motion and ensures quality and durability. The 90° faucet comes in both stainless and chrome finishes.

The Zuvo Water Filter

This water treatment system eliminates contamination while preserving taste in your tap water. The Zuvo Water Purator uses ozone, multiple exposures of ultraviolet energy and two micron carbon filters to reduce waterborne bacteria and microorganisms. With a flow rate of a half gallon per minute, the filter system either attaches above the counter to a standard kitchen faucet or connects with plumbing under the sink. The filter must be replaced every six months or 500 gallons.

$299.00 Retail

Indroducing the biggest change in laminate surface design

Patterns don’t repeat across the 5-foot width of material, enhancing the color variations and veining in exotic granites.

The price for installing 180fx™ is a fraction of the cost of installing real, large-scale exotic granite.

The 180fx™ collection comes in nine large-scale patterns—ideal for the kitchen island, counter and backsplash.

Unique 4-color printing reproduces the sophisticated multi-colored layers and realism of the original, exotic Brazilian granites.

Each 180fx™ pattern is available with the Radiance™ Finish, which refracts and reflects light while highlighting the natural veining.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fieldstone Quarter Sawn Insets - Update!!!

Fieldstones 5 popular Custom Inset Cabinetry Doors - Athens, Fairfield, LaCrosse, LaGrange & LaSalle - are now available in Quarter Sawn Oak.

As promised I just got an advertisement with a picture, so here it is!

Quarter Sawn Oak is milled at an angle, allowing rays and flecks to become visible, giving the wood a unique character and dimension.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fieldstone has more good news!

More Good News! No Upcharge on Fieldstone Custom Inset!

There is no upcharge on Fieldstone Custom Inset! That's a savings of 18% (finial hinges) and 20% (concealed hinges.)

This is effective with orders placed August 1, 2009 thru October 31, 2009.

Orders placed in July 2009 have already received this bonus!

Basic Decorating Ideas

Different spaces offer different possibilities, so be sure to evaluate your rooms before you start decorating, so that you can organize them efficiently and decorate them with your personal style.

Bright colors lend a quaint country feel.

Bright accessories update a boring kitchen.

Bold shapes and sleek design create a contemporary retro look.

Whatever your style, the key to getting any space to feel like "you" is personal touches. Make the room you are decorating a part of yourself and your lifestyle, and you will be happy with your choices for years to come.

Concrete Idea

When it comes to innovative design ideas for the kitchen, bath and other areas of the home, concrete can be a solid material choice. Tying into the growing desire for design elements that can be customized to the client’s specifications, this material offers many unique properties that give it an upscale appeal. Equally important, concrete is many times easier to use than most design professionals realize.

Concrete counter tops share many of the characteristics of other counter top materials such as solid surface. They are versatile, durable and offer a wide range of colors, textures and finishes. They allow for integrally molded sinks, drain boards, back splashes and seamless installations.
However, using concrete as a design element opens up possibilities far beyond what many other counter top materials allow. Concrete counter tops can be made in any style, from French Country to Industrial, Retro to Rustic. Concrete counter tops are often used to beautiful effect in traditional style homes.
Concrete countertops can be color-matched to a paint, fabric or tile sample selected for a completely custom new home. Concrete countertops can easily incorporate the embedding of different materials, shapes or colors. Adding elements like recylcled sea glass, can even make the top eco-friendly.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's Baaaacckk!!!

Fieldstone's vacation Promotion is BACK!!!

We loved it, so they brought it back!

Earn a vacation with qualifying orders received AUGUST 1, 2009 - OCTOBER 31, 2009.


Contractors can earn a vacation us for all the details!

Debut's new Glazing Process!

Debut has come out with a new glazing process that really transforms the way their glazed doors look. You can check it out by clicking on the picture below. I think this process is really going to help Debut compete with the higher end cabinet companies whose finish was more polished in the past.

Monday, August 3, 2009

2009 Kitchen Trends

Here are the newest trends for kitchens in 2009

Glossy looks: With their sleek good looks, gloss kitchens continue to be popular in modern homes. Available in a wide range of colours, these units are highly reflective and will bounce light around, which makes them ideal for smaller kitchens or those that don't get much natural light, as long as you go for a pale colour.
Trendy tones: Bring your kitchen back up to date with kitchen units in a trendy shade. "Colour and texture work beautifully together to create an ultramodern kitchen," says Claudia Baillie from Livingetc.

Painted units: If you want a kitchen with a truly personal feel, pick a colour you love and go for a units in a painted finish.
"For a beautiful bespoke look, units with a hand-painted finish are perfect," says Clare Steel from Ideal Home.
Door fronts for this style are normally in a traditional Shaker style. However, you can find some flat-fronted designs, which work well in modern homes.
Mix and match units: Can't decide which colour door front you prefer? Then why not have them both? Providing the design of door fronts is the same, you can use a mix of colours to get an eclectic look. Just don't get carried away - avoid mixing more than two different colour door fronts and make sure you team them with a fairly neutral worktop that complements both your colour choices, or the end result could look a little garish.
"Combining different units is a brilliant way to create an individual-looking kitchen," says Charlotte Duckworth from Homes & Gardens.

Unusal New Bookcase made out of Hi-Macs

Alivar is presenting its new Wavy bookcase, designed by Giuseppe Bavuso, at the 2009 edition of the Milan Furniture Fair. This model includes unusual basic elements in irregular geometric shapes which, when superimposed, form a hive-like structure.

Hi-Macs was chosen because of its guaranteed durability and its resistance, but also because it is easy to look after.

Hi-Macs is the new generation of acrylic stone materials and is composed of 70% natural stone powder (bauxite derivative), 25% acrylic resin for seamless assembly and 5% natural pigments. It is a high quality design product used for modern or more classic decorative applications giving them real personality. Sold at an accessible price, it is designed and manufactured by LG Hausys, a worldwide leader among technological companies, with LG Hausys Europe European headquarters based in Geneva.

Easy to transform, Hi-Macs can be adapted to meet the most demanding standards. It lends itself to use in highly demanding environments because it is very long lasting and is highly appreciated by architect and designers. Its excellent heat-shaping properties also mean that it can be made into a great variety of designs and shapes. The translucent material is very aesthetic, soft and warm to touch and being non porous, it has a uniform and hygienic surface which is easy to maintain and which is resistant to all types of marks and heat.

Hi-Macs stands out with its high performing service quality, thanks to the Quality Club, a network of trained and approved manufacturers. These quality requirements mean it can give what is thought to be the longest guarantee on the market on installation: 10+5 years*. Furthermore, the Volcanics range - incrusted with translucent glass represents an innovation which the manufacturer believes only Hi-Macs can offer right now. Finally, the manufacturing technology, which is amongst the most advanced on the market, gives greater solidity - particularly in terms of heat and UV rays.

* Structure: S28 Alpine white Hi-Macs

* Part dimensions: L 63 H 36 D 31/25 –L 124 H 36 D 25/31 –L 185 H 36 D 25/31.

*10 years initial guarantee + 5 extra years, when registered on

Hi-Macs is available at Hicks Distributors!

Home & Garden | Green kitchen: A recipe for being more environmentally friendly | Seattle Times Newspaper

Home & Garden Green kitchen: A recipe for being more environmentally friendly Seattle Times Newspaper