Tuesday, November 30, 2010


The Cambria Style Fall/Winter Issue has arrived. It is full of great decorating ideas. Even if you do not have Cambria Tops, it is a fun publication to flip through.


Stop in for your FREE copy!!!

Designing custom kitchens in Bucks County, Montgomery County and Philadelphia County,Pennsylvania.
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Monday, November 29, 2010

Trend: (Holiday) Luxury

With the holidays right around the corner, adding touches of luxury to your holiday decor is a fun and easy way to make your home feel like a five star hotel. After all, glamour is not a trend, it is something that is always in style.

Focus your efforts on smaller areas like powder rooms or dry bars. Use reflective surfaces to bounce light and create an illuminated atmosphere. Formal eating spaces like dining rooms always work for a more sophisticated look. Layer fabrics or use fabrics with lots of texture to create a glamorous feel.

Keep in mind, that not everything that shimmers in glamorous. Focus your attention on items in the silvers or gunmetals. Iridescent tiles, mother of pearl, velvet fabrics, whites and purples create powerful statements when used together. Even something as simple as a glass of champagne can add glamour to a space.

Whatever you choose to add, just don't over do it. Pick and choose what will work best in your home, and stick too it. Adding too much of a good thing can be...well, too much of a good thing!!!

For more glamorous ideas, stop in and pick up the Fall/Winter addition of CAMBRIA STYLE.

Designing custom kitchens in Bucks County, Montgomery County and Philadelphia County,Pennsylvania.
Be a fan on facebook... www.facebook.com/hicksdistributors
Follow us on Twitter... http://twitter.com/HDICabinets

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day

Thank you all again for your friendship, support and patronage throughout the year. We are truly thankful to have customers like you.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Lyptus is the latest addition to the Fieldstone wood species palette. Lyptus is a hard, fine-grain hardwood with a rich, warm tone. We offer it in a darker finish palette to minimize Lyptus’ natural color variation, which can be significant. More than most woods, Lyptus mellows and darkens with exposure to light.

Designing custom kitchens in Bucks County, Montgomery County and Philadelphia County,Pennsylvania.
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