Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What we are thankful for...YOU!

Happy Turkey Day

I know that this has not been the most productive year for many of us, so as you sit around your Thanksgiving Table this year, you may find yourself straining to list all the wonderful things to be thankful for.

As I think about it, I think that we at Hicks have a lot to be thankful for...

Our customers have helped us grow as both a company and as individuals. Learning more and more about out fields has turned out to be fun rather than work. We have established relationships with our customers that are built on trust and loyalty, and for that we are very grateful.

Even though we are not as busy as we have been in the past several years, our customers have brought us very challenging and different projects that have kept us on our toes and up on our product knowledge.

We have even met new customers this year that have joined with us to grow both their companies and ours.

Looking forward I think it should be a fabulous 2010!!!

Thank you all again for your friendship, support and patronage throughout the year. We are truly thankful to have customers like you.

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