Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"What is your square foot price"?

This seems to be a question that is coming up more and more lately. It is apparent that the "box" stores are quoting kitchens to perspective clients in these terms to eliminate to time and expense of having a designer sit with customers, and to make it a bit more difficult to get a competitive quote.

In my opinion, buying cabinets by the square foot is like buying a car by weight. It really has no bearing on the quality or options that the lines offers you. It is just a bottom line number. Sure, a $40,000 BMW is a nice a car, but a $65,000 one might actually be what you were looking for. Are you reallying getting what you want out of cabinets for $25.00 a square foot. Better yet, do you even know what you are getting? Are you getting dovetail drawers, full extension runners, roll out trays, cutlery dividers, or are you getting the bare-bones cabinets to get you the lowest price they can give?
Designing custom kitchens in Bucks County, Montgomery County and Philadelphia County,Pennsylvania.
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