Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kitchen Cabinet Corner Options

Lets face it, the corner space in the kitchen is not the easiest area to design with both form and function in mind. Most corner cabinets look nice, but really don't give you the maximum storage out of the given area. On the other hand, there are the cabinets that maximize storage space, but are not that easy to use.

Truth be told, a few years ago, I would have shuddered to put anything but a revolving corner base (lazy susan) in any kitchen. Time has passed though, and the options for blind corner bases have multiplied. I am now finding myself almost WANTING to put them in a design. Here are a few fun options that make blind corners more visually stimulating and well as functionally fun...

On the flip side, there are still great ideas for the "lazy Susan" type corner cabinet as well...s
And now there are even drawers to put in the corner. Not the best maximization of space, but they look very pretty!
So long story short, there seems to be a perfect fit corner cabinet for every request...for now at least. It does seem that cabinet manufacturers, and cabinet mechanical suppliers have really started to take notice of this corner issue, and are designing better cabinets that maximize form and function.
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